The Fifth World Design System

The Fifth World presents a vision of a neotribal, ecotopian future. Our imaginations haven't gotten used to a combination like that. The right combination of lines and colors can make us think of Golden Age science fiction or fantasy novels like those of Tolkien, but a new genre requires new approaches to design to effectively set the tone. The Fifth World Design System creates the look-and-feel for the Fifth World — the official website, and hopefully your own projects as well. It makes it easier to develop our interfaces, makes the sites we develop more cohesive and coherent, and makes it easier to get on the same page when we talk about our work.


How-to guides for using the Fifth World Design System in your own projects, as well as how to contribute to it.


Elements of design too basic to consider as templates or components, like typography and color.


Templates provide the basic structure for a page.


Our component library lists and documents all of the components in the design system.